Sunday, February 3, 2008

Smegma U

I know it can be juvenile, I know it can be offensive, I know it can be shocking...but Loveline was the funniest radio show in the history of radio shows. Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla were the perfect comedic duo. The combination of Drew's unwavering sincerity and Adam's sarcasm and instant wit have never been matched*. Sadly, Adam Carolla is no longer on the show, and it's no longer funny. However, the Loveline Archive has hundreds of classic Drew and Adam episodes available for download.

The biggest payoffs came when Adam and Drew were dealing with callers that weren't necessarily at the top of their mental game. Which brings me to my all-time favorite Loveline call. The call is a four minute masterpiece of comedy that builds to a natural peak about 3 minutes into the conversation. This is when Adam finally has enough, puts the caller on hold, and rants about her. At this point, I have tears of joy. After this rant at the 3 minute mark, it reverts to a normal call and the hilarity dissipates.

Please, PLEASE listen to this call.

If you don't find this funny, you and I have nothing in common.

Warning: This call contains some adult subject matter.

*Why yes, I AM prone to hyperbole. Thanks for asking.


Dan said...

This is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I'm not sure I've ever heard more smegma jokes in a 4 minutes timespan than I just did. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is classic Adam. He is one of the funniest comedians I've heard. The Loveline with David Alan Grier is just as entertaining - I laughed throughout the whole episode.