Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pop Culture Tourette's

A few random Pop Culture thoughts...

1) Who remembers that 1980s series, "Amazing Stories"? Man, I loved that show. The entire first season is now available as a "Watch it Now" video on Netflix, and I've been watching as I have time. I'll keep it real. The show doesn't age well, but it's truly enjoyable. I'll never forget the Halloween episode where a headless Christopher Lloyd chased a couple of teenagers around. I've always been a sucker for anthologies. Creepshow, The Twilight Zone...why doesn't this style connect with audiences?

2) Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write: I think that the only person on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab show that might actually stay clean is Brigitte Nielsen. I'm kind of rooting for Marey Carey and Seth Binzer, but I just don't think they can do it.

3) Spongebob Squarepants has more wit and genuine laugh-out-loud moments than 90% of the sitcoms on today. I'm thrilled that there's a kid's show that actually teaches kids humor. The show is upbeat, good-natured, and just plain hilarious. What I wonder is...will I have the guts to keep watching it once my girls outgrow it?

4) Again, I have another movie to look forward to this summer. The teaser for Iron Man was looked like they got the basic personality of Tony Stark right (Robert Downey, Jr. is great casting) and the actual Iron Man suit looks perfect. Still, I wasn't sold. Now the entire trailer is out and I'm 100% drinking the Kool Aid. That ending shot of Tony Stark in the suit walking away from the exploding tank is an absolute action movie cliche...and I completely ate it up. Awesome.

1 comment:

Moot said...

I have the box set if you would like to burn it...Amazing stories is our Wednesday night TV ritual...good kid stuff...very PG.