Saturday, March 15, 2008

Being a Parent Makes You Lame

Last night I discovered that being a parent has made me lame. My evidence? I'm no longer able to judge movies objectively. The latest movie in question is "Martian Child", with John Cusack. Throughout the entire film, I was repeatedly aware of the parade of cliches that marched unashamedly right down the middle of the screen. It was also one of the more emotionally manipulative movies I've seen, not to mention the fact that it completely trivializes the nature of adoption and the tribulations of connecting with a damaged child. And yet, I loved it.

I'm also a fan of Jersey Girl, the film that nearly caused a revolt among Kevin Smith die-hards. The objective side of me, the side of me that was more in control before I reproduced, is completely aware of the formulaic nature of this movie. As with Martian Child, my eyes reflexively wanted to roll over and over again...but the mutated post-fatherhood lameness won out.

There's just something about the emotional connection that I have with my children that makes me an absolute sucker for movies that deal with small children bonding with fathers. In these cases, my sentimentalism is simply stronger than my reason or objective analysis...regardless of the facts. I wonder (danger...abrupt and controversial subject change) if religious fundamentalists experience the same sort of reality disconnect. When their brain detects something that refutes their own belief system, does their sentimentality take over?

1 comment:

Dan said...

As you might imagine, I understand where you're coming from with this. Father-daughter things hit me in just the right spot, and I get all sappy sentimental over them! On the flip side, I can't really watch movies where small girls are in trouble. That is what keeps me from ever watching Saw again. The mother and young daughter in jeopardy hit just a little too close to home for me.

I think that there's something that changes in you once you become responsible for another human life. And even in those ridiculous cliche ridden movies of the sort that you mention, you see a bit of a mirror of yourself.

And, yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that that makes me lame. ;)