Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Iowa Rocks!

Hey! If you're one of those snooty big city folks that thinks that Iowa is behind the times, I'm about to set you straight. The first two acts playing at the Iowa State Fair in 2008 have just been announced. Be prepared to have your holier-than-thou elitism shattered. Coming to Des Moines this summer is none other than Michael W. Smith and Garrison Keillor (as part of his "A Prairie Home Companion, The Rhubarb Tour" production).

So why is Iowa hemorrhaging young people? Your guess is as good as mine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'd miss Iowa more than you'd think if you were away. I'd kill for a tall glass of Hy-Vee brand vodka with a splash of Hee-Haw right now.

I actually drove Garrison Keillor to a gig once, yet I always forget to mention him when asked 'what famous people have you driven?'