Friday, May 30, 2008

Orange Slices

I picked up a large plastic tub of candy orange slices a few days ago while grocery shopping. During each of the last few days, I've had the exact same experience with these things. I walk through the kitchen, see the orange slices, and think, "Sweet! Orange slices!". Here's how it goes:

Orange Slice #1: Man, these are delicious! Three cheers to whoever invented orange slices!
Orange Slice #s 2-6: I congratulate myself on this ingenious purchase. These should be called "orange slices of heaven"!

At this point, something biological happens.

Orange Slice #7: Sweet holy God I will vomit if I eat another orange slice! Whoever invented orange slices should be stabbed in the neck!

A strong, powerful wall is hit between orange slice 6 and 7. I can't scientifically explain it. But I will tell you that a night's sleep will erase it, and the very next day I am enthusiastic once again about orange slice #1.

1 comment:

K Bell said...

Hilarious. These are my dad's all-time favorite candy so they were around quite a bit while I was growing up ... and I have experienced the exact same physiological/psychological phenomenon. My threshold is a bit higher though - I can handle about 12 before I want to vomit orange.