Monday, June 2, 2008

Could Coldplay Be...Good?

On Friday, I bought a ticket to "Lazerfest 2" which will allow me to cross Stone Temple Pilots off of my "bands to see before I die" list. The bad news? My $35 ticket cost me over $45 after Ticketmaster tacked on their ridiculous fees. The good news? I got a free iTunes download.

It just so happens that when I received my free iTunes download I was approaching hour 73 of the hijacking of my brain by Coldplay's new "Viva La Vida" single. I must be squarely in the center of Apple's target demographic, because the iTunes commercial that features Coldplay is on every show I've watched for the past two weeks. So I gave in, cashed in my free download, and acquired "Viva La Vida".

It's such a great single that I have been forced to re-examine my completely uninformed judgment of Coldplay. I don't think I've heard 10 seconds of Coldplay before this new song, but I had this surprisingly fleshed-out preconceived notion of them as a sort of whiny, moody, wimpy Euro-pop band. You know...the kind of band whose music evokes a "mood" but has no discernible melody and has no point other than to sound brooding and sophisticated. This song has forced me to realize that I may have come to some rash conclusion about Coldplay without a shred of evidence.

Could Coldplay be...good?

Anyone out there actually have an informed opinion about Coldplay?

1 comment:

Dan said...

I have never enjoyed Coldplay, although many people have told me that I would. Their song on the Garden State soundtrack is not bad, Overall, I just don't get into it. But I am in a similar situation as you, mostly having a massively under-informed preconceived notion.

On a slightly related note, someone told me over the weekend that I should check out the new single from New Kids on the Block. I wasn't sure if I should be shocked or offended or both!?