Thursday, April 17, 2008

10 Terrible Hulk Toys

The web site Topless Robot has just put together a list of the "10 Most Incredibly Lame Hulk Toys". It's really hard to disagree about the "incredibly lame" characterization, but I have to admit, I would've loved ALL of these toys as a child.

Looking through the list, I'm surprised by two things. First, not only did I not own any of these Hulk toys, but I don't even remember a single item on this list. I may have been just slightly too young for many of these. A few of the images indicate that at least some of these toys were produced in 1979, when I was four years old. Secondly, there actually IS one item in that blog post that I owned, but it's not one of the Hulk toys. Rather, it's the Spider Man ski mask that is pictured along side the horrible Hulk mask. Not only did I have it as a kid...but I think I still have it today. I think I have pictures of one of my daughters wearing it.

I highly recommend reading that entry, not only to look at the ridiculous, no-imagination toys that they were peddling to kids 30 years ago, but also because the commentary is hilarious. Consider this statement on the Hulk roller skates:

"To top it off, the extremely questionable Hulk faces on the skates don’t look particularly angry but more as if he farted at a dinner party."

Thanks to Dan for the link.

1 comment:

Dan said...

It was my pleasure to provide that link. I'm with you though, I don't remember any of those items either and I'm a few years older than you.

And Topless Robot? Best blog name EVER.