Friday, August 22, 2008

Gross Generalization, Number 86

My favorite entertainment blogger, Jeffrey Wells, has made another one of his gross generalizations. They never fail to crack me up.

This one is about the nature of conservatives versus liberals:
People who laugh like Daffy Duck and strut around with colorful body language know, go "whoo-hoo!" and put lampshades on their heads are, I believe, blowing off steam because they lead strict, buttoned-down lifestyles and perhaps -- who knows? -- have guarded, buttoned-down philosophies.

Righties are like that -- golly-gee and lots of laughter and rib-poking on the outside and yet sort of dark and creepy underneath. Lefties are a little bit looser, cooler and more measured.

Love it. Kind of ridiculous...but there's a grain of truth in there.

1 comment:

K Bell said...

Matt ... you still alive? Your public awaits your next post.