Monday, February 4, 2008


Is it just me, or is the entire concept of cleavage a little odd when you really think about it? How has it become socially acceptable for women to display just a little bit of body parts that are so sought after that men will actually pay money to see them?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...I'm just saying that the entire concept is a little shocking when analyzed. A couple of nights ago, my wife was concerned that a shirt she was wearing was showing too much cleavage (it wasn't). I imagined how horrifying that conversation would've been if the genders had been reversed:

Me: Do these shorts show too much penis?
Anne: No, there's only like a quarter inch showing.
Me: Yeah, but I feel like it's completely hanging out.
Anne: No, it's a totally tasteful amount of penis showing.

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