Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Things Matt Finds Weird, Volume 68

You know what I find strange? Couples that have a shared email address. And if the email address is a mash-up of their first names, like, I find it even stranger.

If you're one of these people, please explain yourself by leaving a comment. I mean, email addresses are free in most cases. You can have your own.

Maybe we can get some informal data to draw some correlations. I'm curious if couples who share an email address are more likely to open each other's mail. Or wear matching pajamas. Or are more likely to grocery shop together, maybe? Do they eat more casseroles than the average couple? I don't know, I'm just throwing things out here in the name of science. This is a learning opportunity!


Dan said...

Heidi and I had a joint e-mail account back in the late 90s, but we never used it for much. it was "danheidi@somethingican'" and she eventually ended up using it while I was banished to Yahoo.

Of course, now that we have Gmail, who needs anything else?

K Bell said...

Funny - I just said to someone at work the other day, "I think it's so odd when people have joint email addresses. Do they both check it? What if I only really know the wife - does her husband see everything I send?" My coworker (whom I then found out shares an email address with her husband) stared at me blankly.

I was thinking maybe it was just because I'm single ... glad to hear some marrieds agree.