Sunday, July 27, 2008

Growing Up

I'm normally a bit uncomfortable with these sentimental posts, and this one smells strongly of P.J. of Family Circus fame...but here goes.

Lately I've been really aware that my youngest, Melanie, will be slipping out of "little girl" mode any day now. She's six years old, and doesn't have much time left before she starts pronouncing words correctly. Today, I heard her say two things that reminded me that she still is that little girl, and it depressed me to realize that I'm on borrowed time here.

She still pronounces "animal" like "aminal"...and today, after some rigorous exercise, she told me that she could feel her heart "beeping" really fast. I'm going to hate it when she gets those two things right.

1 comment:

Dan said...

That's not overly sentimental - you're just the father of a daughter. And as another father of a daughter, I can relate well here.

I shed a small tear when "fum" became "thumb." Of course, my daughter is 6 going on 28, so she'd probably just roll her eyes at me if I told her that. ;)