Monday, September 15, 2008

Countdown to Lindsey - One DAY!

Lindsey with his "army of guitarists" on his 1993 solo tour. Great solo at around 2:20 or so.

The reviews are beginning to trickle in. The Times (in the UK) says:

"Buckingham's last solo album, 2006's Under the Skin, was a thing of wonder and beauty, but Gift of Screws finds him on even finer form. Fated for ever to be thought of as the man who reshaped Fleetwood Mac into a world-conquering rock band, the guitarist issues albums that, if they bore the group's name, would sell by the bucketload; and he's fated, too, to have his unsung status as one of the great geniuses of American sonic architecture obscured by his talent for undislodgable melody lines and radio-friendly hooks (though the hits invariably contained some deeply eccentric music-making). "

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